Brookson Insurance

Welcome to Brookson Insurance where we do business better because of you!

Monday, June 28, 2010

From All Four Corner's

It seems as though when a losses occur they occur from all different types of things some we just never see coming.  Before becoming an insurance agent several years ago I was a claims adjuster.  If I showed up at your property it was never a good thing.  Not only did I handle claims, I handled the really really bad one's.  I was the one who showed up when there was no house or business after passing tornadoes, or I was the one who showed up when the fire took everything you worked so very hard for and you could not bear to even step foot inside.  I took the place of the insureds. 

I gave a speech last week about the agency and spoke really to my education and passion for this job.  To this day I look at the Katrina season, and the seasons prior where five hurricanes hit the coast of Florida.  It is about response in the insurance industry!  One thing most people do not consider when they file a claim is that the insurance company adjusters have an obligation first to you as the insured to find coverage where coverage is applicable.  I have heard so many stories of "that adjuster tried to rip me off", or my favorite " I have paid insurance on my house for 20 years and never filed a claim." 

Okay, the real picture of the insurance industry is this!!  Are you listening?
Insurance adjusters and agents alike are driven by pure passion for what they do and truly protecting the needs of the insureds that report losses.  It is their jobs to do so, they are there to pay what is right and fair and just under the contract of insurance.  If coverage applies we will pay what we owe, no more, no less.  That is the creed of every insurance carrier!

Why what we owe - because anything less is a failure to the insured
Why no more - because overpaying claims leads to inflated premium payments for all
Why no less - because the intention of any insurance policy is to put you back where you were pre-loss condition

Like kind and quality replacement is what the policy offers, not upgrades, like to what you had at the time of loss.  This is something to consider when obtaining estimates for damages.

The intention of your insurance policy is to protect those things you value most your homes, your businesses and in the case of life insurance the very people who live in them.  Insurance within itself is a very unique and exciting product.  It is the protection of everything you love!  It becomes the financial means to replace that which can be lost by accident.

Let's say you own a home just bought it five years ago.  The total value of your home is $225,000 and you pay insurance company Xtra-cool $725.00 per year to insure your home. 
A horrible thunderstorm comes through one evening, you are home, you smell smoke, before you know it the township fire department is at your home trying to put a large fire out.  You don't remember how you got out, when you noticed it was on fire you have no clue what has just happened to you. 

This is when your $725 for insurance on your home starts paying you back...

The cost to rebuild your home is $225,000
Your other structure deck burned and part of the privacy fence $15,900
Your personal property loss is $162,750
You were out of your home for 11 months during re-construction costs $25,000
Your lawn was damaged  $1,000
Your fire truck service charge paid $700
Debris removal charges $16,500
and the list goes on and on.... estimated total pay out on claim $446,850

Over the five years you have owned your home you have paid insurance company Xtra-cool
only $3,625 in premium to pay you back $446,850 worth of protection for your home.  Hm mm, seems to me like that is one amazing contract.  NO wonder mortgage companies require you carry this stuff.  Crunching the numbers, this really is an amazing product. 

Well, what if I never have such a loss?  Well, my answer to that is but what if you do?  As a matter of fact most Americans these days do not stay in their homes for 50+ years like we used to, but even if we did in your lifetime you will NEVER pay enough premium to equal the amount it takes to cover a catastrophic loss to your home or business.  If this same person had lived in their home and paid premiums in for 50 years they would have only paid in $32,650 in premiums and the value of their home would have been increasing every year so the pay out on the claim would have been even larger. 

This is an amazing product!  This "insurance contract" really is the most important thing you carry.  The people who work to service and supply these policies are passionate about what they do for a living because the rudimentary concept of insurance is doing the right thing to protect us all by paying in our fair share regardless of use because if we need it, it will be there to protect us ten fold what we have paid in.  It is truly disaster or accident protection for those things we have worked each day of our lives to own for pennies on the dollar.  It is valued, needed, even essential protection.

Does your current agency have this passion?  Did they just sell you a contract and move on?  Is that where you belong?  Give our agency a call 317-534-5202 our knowledgeable agency staff is ready to work with you today.  Take  a look at us at

Thank you,
Heather Swank
Owner / Agent

Monday, June 14, 2010

Preparing for the Storm!

Given recent storms here in Indiana I have more customers asking questions.  Is that terrible that I love storm season for this reason?  People asking questions about their insurance policy is exciting because I know my customers are really thinking about their protection. 

Insurance lingo can be beyond frustrating.  In generic terms one of the most commonly asked questions I receive is on fallen trees.  Do I have coverage for trees? Well...sort of!  By this I mean that yes there is some coverage.  Your insurance policy insures you buildings & structures on your property not land, trees, shrubs, plants.  However, there are some "additional coverage's" added back into the policy that does provide you some coverage for trees. 

Here is how that breaks down...
If the tree falls during a storm and damages something your insurance policy does cover like your home, or an out structure like a storage barn, or a fence then some coverage is available.  Now this varies from insurance policy to insurance policy.  Most policies pay whatever the cost to remove the tree off of the building or item it is resting on and drop it to the ground, once on the ground most carriers pay or allow up to $500 for removal from the property.  Always keep your deductible in mind as well.  Your policy deductible does apply to each claim you file on your homeowners policy.
It is complicated at times but that is what your agent is there for.  If you have a question just call.  Those questions keep us agents in the policies where we belong.  Your insurance policy is a contract you purchase for your dollars to protect what you work hardest for, make sure you understand what it protects.

When a bad storm has caused damage there are some steps you are required to do per the policy.  These words "protect the property from further damage" mean exactly what they say.  For instance, if you have damage to your roof after a storm that may have left an opening into your home.  This temporary repair, or tarping off the damaged area, whatever you need to do within reason to protect that property from being further damaged by rain or storms that continue is a duty you as an insured have under the policy provisions.
Getting repairs without contacting your insurance carrier is a big no no under the provisions of your homeowners policy as well. Under a section of your policy boldly labeled DUTIES OF THE INSURED you will find that the insurance company must have a right to inspect your damage.  If you quickly repair your damages without the insurance carrier having the right to inspect it first your claim could not be covered.

Things to consider if you do suffer storm damage.  Take photos of the damage, if you have damage to personal property make an inventory of those items, and have temporary repairs completed to protect your property from further damage.  Call your insurance agent or file a claim with your carrier as quickly as possible to get your claim moving faster.

As always, prepare your family for heavy storms and be safe.  Find a safe place in your home and ride out the storms there it is always a safe bet to seek shelter.  The National Weather Service website offers storm preparedness tips along with WTHR's weather page here in Indianapolis.  For coverage questions seek out your agent and read your policy.  At Brookson Insurance we've got you covered.
Be safe out there!
Heather Swank
Owner / Agent
Brookson Insurance LLC

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Why does your agent make a difference at Brookson Insurance

I know every insurance agent you have had throughout your insurance history has made a pledge to follow up and obtain the best policies for you and keep an eye out for your needs.  My question is, how often do you hear from your agent and I mean your real agent not some post card or letter?  When was the last actual conversation you had with your agent?  Now, ask yourself how many years you have kept your business with that agent?  Five, six, seven, years and post cards and photo Christmas cards is that what communication you have with your agent?
Why does a relationship with your agent matter?  Well, I think as an agent it has been my duty to know my clients to better understand their needs and how they change.  I mean did you buy a bigger house and have a baby?  Are you approaching time to think about retirement?  Are you already at retirement and ready to downsize?  All of life matters and your insurance moves right with you.  There is an element of true customer service which is really people caring enough to do the right thing for their clients all year long. 
Is your agent educated in the industry?  There are agents out there who moved into the insurance industry from a different industry to "try it on for size" so to speak.  It really does make and incredible difference to have an agent who truly understands the intricacies of the insurance contract.  Selling a package to a family without expanded knowledge of what that contract does for a family or business really makes all of he difference in the world.  There is a certain level of professionalism that comes from someone with longevity in the industry that includes a highly knowledgeable base for understanding the policies and how they should function for you.  You'd want your doctor to have eduction your insurance agent should as well.
Finally, what makes all of the difference in the world an agent that responds to you.  Ever notice you have to talk to anyone in the office besides your agent?  This popular trend is sometimes necessary for agents as they have a growing business too, but that relationship should always be with your agent and you should be able to reach them any day of the week.  You trust your home, auto, business, life, and retirement to them in some cases so they really should be one phone call away.
It is okay to tell your agent how you expect to be treated it only leads them to a more knowledgeable relationship with you.  Each client is different some want to come in to pay their bills, some want everything done online.  This important because then your agent knows how to communicate with you best.  When you purchase your insurance products have a conversation with your agent make sure that is the person you want to place your business with.  Good old fashioned customer service and the service of the new millennium should always be welcomed.
With Brookson Insurance we have made it our priority to be available whenever our clients need us.  There is no 8 to 5 limit on that, there is no I'll get back to you tomorrow, there is only you got it whenever you need it.  Sure this is not easy for us, but that is what good customer service is all about.  Jewelie and I both as agents decided that this agency would be technologically advanced for after hours service by a live agent.  Our office phones ring directly to our cell phones after normal business hours.  I guess you could say we are always on call!  Both Jewelie and I have an extensive claims background in both personal and commercial insurance as previous claims adjusters.  We didn't just happen into this business we were built for this business.  We have seen the tragedy of large losses, fires, tornadoes, and the aftermath they leave.
In my career I have stood on the foundation of a home torn away by a tornado and sat down at the hotel trying to explain what was going to happen next to a family who lost every memory they created. I sit and think about that with every policy I write.
At Brookson Insurance clients matter most.  It's not about just selling policies it's truly about PROTECTION and making sure you have it.  We refer to our agency as a family of clients because you matter first and then we get on with protecting you year after year.  Brookson Insurance where we do business better because of you!