Long before the thoughts of the Christmas shopping season abound pricing of insurance comes to mind. In the insurance industry summer is particularly busy. This is the time to quote your personal and business insurance needs!
Rates for insurance do in fact vary throughout the year. Granted, this is not by much but it is worth pricing during a season of "better" than average weather. Better driving conditions than winter, you are not using your furnace as much simple things like this can effect rates. There is a month to month variance on rates.
Often times when pricing for insurance people are looking for the save a buck rule, but checking out your actual coverage's to see if they are suiting your needs is just as important. If you have not looked at or touched your insurance package for a couple of years it is simply time for a review.
Pricing against and getting a second opinion on your policy really is okay. What if you are spending $400 a year or even more than you should be? That is a great savings for any business or family. Recently I had a gentlemen ask me to quote his home in downtown Indianapolis and we saved him $1,100 per year on the home alone.
I understand the needs of a business or a family in this economy at it really is about the best protection at the lowest possible cost. Take a look at your policies today and get the savings that you can use at the end of the year when you need it the most.
Thank you,
Heather Swank
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