Brookson Insurance

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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

In The Eye Of The Storm

To all of my clients who may not yet be aware of my history in the insurance industry this article is provided with what was the passion of my career and part of my reasoning in becoming an agent.  For 12 years I worked as a claims adjuster.  The very first moment I set foot on a catastrophe site my life's meaning had been found, my career aspirations were forever changed, and a dedication I never thought possible was born.  My very first catastrophe site was in Joplin, MO.  Yes, that Joplin the same Joplin who saw horrific loss in 2011 I was there in 2001.  I can never fully describe the things I saw, the emotions I shared with families, or the fear I felt in heart of that tornado outbreak. 
People who work in the claims industry and in particular those of us who were catastrophe responders truly view the work as a calling.  The moment you stand on the stoop of a home knowing that is the only remaining remnant of someones home, knowing that after living in that home for 25+ years this is a loss that cannot be recovered, you become a humble servant to those you insure.  It is insurance at its very finest!  It is a recovery project for people which is the greatest gift I've ever known.  I urge you to review the information below and really soak it into the back of your mind.  Be prepared, always prepared, and we'll do the rest for you.  My obligation and promise to each of you will always be that you come first, your protection, your service, and my faithful dedication to you in your times of loss.  ~Heather

Don’t Let a Tornado Topple You

Tornadoes are one of nature's most powerful and destructive forces; an F5, the strongest and most violent of tornadoes, can level almost any house and its occupants. Thankfully, F5 tornadoes are rare. Most are weaker and can be survived. And now is the time to prepare for them if you haven’t already. Tornadoes are most common from late winter through mid-summer.

Here’s what to do before and during a tornado:

• Know where you can take shelter in the event of the storm. Practice a family tornado drill once a year.

• Prepare by gathering emergency supplies, including nonperishable food, water, medication, batteries and flashlights. Keep the emergency kit packed and easily accessible.

• Know the signs of a tornado: persistent winds, swirling dust or debris under a cloud base, loud continuous roar or rumble.

• Know the difference and help your children understand the difference between a tornado watch and a tornado warning.

1. Tornado Watch: Current weather conditions could create a tornado, so be on the lookout.

2. Tornado Warning: A tornado has been sighted in the area. Seek shelter immediately and listen to the radio for further updates. A tornado warning is much more serious than a tornado watch.

• If a tornado is likely or known, take shelter indoors, preferably in a basement or interior first-floor room or hallway.

• Avoid windows and seek additional protection under large furniture or mattresses. This will protect you from flying debris.

• After a tornado has struck, stay out of heavily damaged homes or buildings. Keep clear of downed power lines, broken glass and other debris. Avoid lighting matches and cigarettes due to possibly ruptured gas lines. Try to stay calm. Help will arrive.

And remember, be prepared financially, too, before a storm ever hits. Don’t let nature blow away what you’ve worked hard to build. If you’ve made improvements to your home or purchased large ticket items, let us know. We can ensure they are properly insured. We can also help you review your Erie Insurance homeowners policy anytime so you’re aware of the coverage limits and can adjust them as needed. Give us a call. 317-537-5202 Brookson Insurance where you matter, we care, and you are better protected here.

Heather B. Swank
Brookson Insurance LLC
Owner / Agent

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