Brookson Insurance

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Monday, November 22, 2010

Let's Talk Turkey!

Welcome to the ever wonderful holiday season!  This is the time of year I start thinking about safety, not that safety is not the first thing on my mind the entire year through.  During the holiday season there are increased chances for "probability" of loss.  The trees, trimmings, extension cords, lights, candles, fireplaces all additions to your chances for a property loss.  Adverse weather conditions, slick roads when temperatures fall, ice, and snow, can all increase your likelihood of loss in your auto.  Toys, decorations, obstructions in walk ways, can all increase your chances for even a liability loss. 
Examine your home for possible exposures.  Here are some helpful tips to better prepare you for the holiday season.
  • Keep your tree at least 3ft away from any heating sources such as a fireplace
  • Keep decorations with small removable parts out of the reach of children
  • Use lights that have been independent testing lab you will see this on the label
  • New or old check all lights for any exposed wires or broken bulbs
  • Fasten outdoor lights securely
  • Water your tree daily
  • Do not run cords under carpet or rugs
  • Do not overload extension cords
  • Use a sturdy screen in front of your fire place
  • Place stockings and other trimmings away from direct heat
  • Do not burn wrappings
  • Never leave a fire unattended
For your auto
  • Make sure your tires are properly inflated
  • Always maintain at least 1/2 tank of gas
  • Make sure you have washer fluid with a solvent in it to prevent freezing up
  • Remember bridges and overpasses freeze much quicker than the roadway so be prepared for possible slick spots and slow your speed
  • Keep an ice scrapper, commercial deicer, and snow brush in your car as a winter care kit
  • Keep a first aid kit in your vehicle
  • Make sure your vehicle has a spare tire
  • Keep a blanket in your vehicle
In this new age of technology it is pretty hard to get stranded, but not impossible.  I know right here in our own state there are many places with spotty or no cell coverage.  Make sure you keep a blanket in the car and during the winter months keep a winter care kit in your car just in case.  More often than I want I hear people say this ever famous quote "I just never thought this would happen to me."

There of course are accidents and damage that occur all year long, but this season the chances are just increased and we should be conscious about that.  Most of the losses that occur are not because of just nature, but because we were not 100% conscious in our surroundings.  We left a candle unattended, it caught the curtains on fire which led to a small fire that destroyed our living room.  My cell phone dropped on the floor of the car and I reached down, when I looked up I hit the street sign and was off the road in someones yard.  This is how loss occurs!

An ounce of prevention does truly keep the agent away! Your insurance is here for these types of accidents and that is what makes it such an amazing product.  Think about it, really think about it, this policy is protecting you from all of those things that we could do that would cost our family financial difficulty.  In this day in age there is no better product out there.  Insure your piece of mind is what Brookson Insurance does. 

Have a wonderful and safe holiday weekend!

Heather Swank
Owner / Agent
Brookson Insurance LLC

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It is about service these days, it is I tell you!

So I don't like to be that lady, the one who claims to give the best service possible then drops the ball completely.  Today it matters who you are to your clients, what you know, how you've educated yourself, especially in the isnurance industry.  Each family is truly unique, giving quotes is not as mechanical as it would appear on the outside.  Why does it matter?  Can't I just get a quote on the policy I have right now?  Why do you want to know "stuff" about me? 

To be quite honest the actual quoting part is the easiest part of my job it is getting to know the family, the business, the first time homeowner, the husband and wife expecting their first child that really makes "insurance" itself is an ever growing project.  Is this really important for an insurance agent to do?  I think so, you spend lots of money each year paying for your insurance protection the least your agent can do is make sure this is the product that you need at the time you need it the most. 

I have been in the insurance industry now for 13 years.  I worked in claims for property and businesses when I began my career and for years adjusted claims.  I learned all I needed to know as a claims adjuster, like what coverages does a business really need.   You know the coverages the owner does not think about, but I know he or she may well need someday.  There is the homeowner who has the most wodnerful finished basement and no sewer & drain or sump failure coverage.  Or what about a house that has a new roof, or is all vinyl and the home owner does not know that the insurance company does not owe to match the materials in the event of a loss?  What about the coverage's a business needs if it is out of business because of a covered loss?  All of these things are vitally important.

Before you SETTLE make sure your agent cares enough to get to know you and what your needs are today, make sure they ask again tomorrow, just make sure they care!

Heather Swank
Brookson Insurance LLC
Serving Greenwood and the greater Indianapolis areas
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